Flay lay of 30 days of service challenge
We Are Teachers

Service learning in the classroom does more than benefit the community. It also has a positive impact on students in the form of improved leadership and communication skills, sense of social responsibility, and academic learning. This 30 days of service challenge for students is a great place to begin.

How to get started

  1. Download the 30 Days of Service Challenge.
  2. Make copies or post it on your LMS.
  3. Introduce the challenge to your students.
  4. Invite them to complete one box a day.
  5. Encourage them to use the checkboxes to keep themselves accountable.

Up close look at 30 days of service challenge

Types of activities

With our friends at WE, we’ve come up with 30 easy activities that students can complete in a day and can be done with social distancing, such as:

  • Cleaning up garbage on their street.
  • Checking in on an elderly relative.
  • Collecting non-perishable items for a local food bank.

Following up

When you’ve completed the 30 days, take some time to celebrate completing the challenge and reflect on what you’ve gained from the experience.

Get The Challenge