Welcome to MDR’s Community for School Leaders

School Leaders Now, a new community for K-12 school administrators shares inspiring and engaging education advice, resources, and tips. Our web site,[…]Continue Reading

School Leaders Now, a new community for K-12 school administrators shares inspiring and engaging education advice, resources, and tips. Our web site, Twitter, and Facebook communities are intended for all distict- and school-level leaders. We welcome insights from everyone from principals to tech directors to superintendents to curriculum directors. And we, of course, embrace all leaders in the making.  School Leaders Now’s parent company, MDR, has been one of the nation’s leading K-12 education experts for the last 45 years. We are also the creators of the #1 social community for teachers, WeAreTeachers.

Through our site and social channels, K-12 administrators can help one another foster successful schools and students. These are exciting but challenging times! Our mission is to share the best information and inspiration for school year 2016-2017 from innovative leaders so their peers can face the most pressing educational issues of today–NOW!–with insight and confidence. We share fresh and solid advice from the trenches. Our goal: School leaders at their best.

Where to Find School Leaders Now

Find us on social media here:

Twitter: @schoolleadnow

Facebook: @Schoolleadersnow

Visit our sister web site for teachers:

WeAreTeachers: www.weareteachers.com

Learn more about our parent company:

MDR: www.mdreducation.com 

For School Leaders Now editorial and sales inquiries:

Email: greyb@schoolleadersnow.com       Phone: (646) 378-9886