Teachers Are #ReimaginingSchools, and It’s Time Leaders Listened

If this is our opportunity to remake schools, let’s put teacher voices at the center.

Collage of teachers who are reimagining schools and encouraging change

Over the past few months, the Coronavirus pandemic raged throughout the world. Teachers quickly adapted as their lessons moved from the brick and mortar classroom to online learning. Over the course of a weekend, schools moved to distance learning, brought students computers, set up hot spots for Wi-Fi, delievered meals, and even in some cases provided child care for the families of essential workers. 

Now, as states are experiencing struggling economies, politicians are often too quick to suggest school budget cuts as a solution. Our students and our teachers deserve better. 

Governor Cuomo of New York tweeted that he would be “reimagining” education with the help of Bill Gates. This frustrated teachers, as they have been reimagining education with little support and strapped budgets for their entire careers.

The Reimagining Schools campaign was started by Emily Aierstok (@readitwriteitlearnit), a 19 year teaching veteran, as a place for teachers’ voices to be heard. As we enter a new era of learning, the Reimagining Schools campaign advocates for increased funding, equity in education, and respect for a profession that has been proven essential. You can reimagine, too. Grab your #ReimaginingSchools thought bubble here and tell the world how you envision education in the future.  

Hundreds of teachers have shared how they are #ReimaginingSchools after the pandemic. Here are a few of the highlights: 

#ReimaginingSchools with teachers who can work just one job

Teacher with thought bubble supporting reimagining schools

Source: @teachbetweenthelines

#ReimaginingSchools with salaries that retain and attract educators

Teacher with braids on staircase holding laptop to support change in schools

Source: @teach_me_t

#ReimaginingSchools with teacher leaders getting the respect and pay we deserve

Teacher with cartoon pencils and thought bubbles asking for respect and better pay

Source: @lifewith.stacey

#ReimaginingSchools with less standardized testing and more authentic learning

Teacher with bookcase in background holding a thought bubble cutout

Source: @whitneyrluck

#ReimaginingSchools with classroom libraries that provide students with windows and mirrors

Teacher in floral dress holding sign in front of grey wall with white butterflies

Source: @secondaryurbanlegends

#ReimaginingSchools with less red tape


Teacher with pastel rainbow background and thought bubble

Source: @missbertels_

#ReimaginingSchools with equity at the heart of all decisions

Teacher with cartoon notebooks and pencils supporting equity in schools

Source: @mainelymiddle

#ReimaginingSchools with a diverse staff of teachers who are trusted and empowered

Teacher wearing a UVA polo shirt holding a paper to support empowering educators

Source: @studentsofhistory

#ReimaginingSchools with educators who believe Black Lives Matter

Teacher sitting in front of bookshelf library holding sign to support black lives matter

Source: @msandrewsteaches

#ReimaginingSchools with no standardized tests

Teacher wearing purple shirt in front of green trees supporting end of standardized tests

Source: @love.tanesha

How are you reimagining schools? Share on Instagram using this free template, or in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, is this the end of standardized testing?

Teachers Are #ReimaginingSchools, and It's Time Leaders Listened