21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids

These videos help to explain complex topics to young audiences.

Anti-Racism Videos

The United States has a racism problem. The idea of tackling such complicated and hurtful topics in our homes and classrooms is daunting, but we can’t look away. We MUST face it. Fortunately, we live in a time when technology provides resources, such as the anti-racism videos below, designed to support us as we navigate these difficult and painful conversations.

For Parents and Educators

It’s crucial that you feel confident and prepared to lead important discussions about what it means to be not only “not racist,” but resolutely anti-racist. Here are some resources to help you get ready.

Be Boldly Anti-Racist

Elementary school educator, Naomi O’Brien, asks: “How did I become boldly anti-racist? By following my mom’s example. How can you be bold and set an example for your kids and students?”

How to Talk to Kids About Race

In a new episode of Home School, The Atlantic’s animated series about parenting, author Jeremy Tisby offers advice on how to have a conversation with children about race, from experiential learning to watching classic animated films. 


How I Teach Kids About Racism (Kindergarten and 1st Grade)

This video is about elementary school teachers sharing the lessons they teach each year to introduce the topic of racism to their kindergarten and first grade students. 

How Parents Can Help Kids Understand the Protests and Fight Racism

Dr. Janet Taylor shares advice with parents who may be struggling to talk about racism and the unrest that has erupted after the death of George Floyd.

For Kids and Students

Whether you’re curled up with your kids at home or leading a group of students, here are some educational anti-racism videos to help get the conversation started.

Let’s Talk About Race

The Tutu Teacher made this video for kindergarten students. In the video, she discusses what racism is and how it’s impacted the lives of Black and Brown people. She also reads aloud the story Let’s Talk about Race

Sesame Street: Color of Me Song



Sesame Street explores: “What is the color of ‘you?’ Is your skin color tan, light brown, milky white, or dark dark brown? Whatever color you are, be proud and sing along.”  

Sesame Street: Song: I Love My Hair

Sesame Street invites children to “…sing along and make the world aware that YOU love your hair!”

Systemic Racism Explained

Systemic racism affects every area of life in the U.S., from incarceration rates to predatory loans, and trying to solve these problems requires changes in major parts of our system. This video offers a closer look at what systemic racism is, and how we can solve it.

Discrimination Explained for Kids

In this video, Pop’n’Olly discover what discrimination means and provide a few examples. They also talk about discrimination and the law.

Sesame Street Explains Racism and Protesting

Sesame Street and CNN worked together to create the “Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism” town hall for kids and families. 

Woke Read Alouds: Wings

In this video, Ki reads the story Wings by author/illustrator Christopher Myers. They take readers on a fun, animated, and thoughtful journey through the book, leaving time for think alouds and responses from kids. They also include reading strategies, resources, and tips for parents throughout. This resource serves as a full academic read aloud.

Kids Talk About Segregation

It’s been 62 years since Brown v. Board of Education, but the percentage of racially segregated schools in the United States has been growing steadily over the past 15 years. New York has the most segregated schools in the country. This video talks to Bronx 5th graders about what segregation looks like today.

A Kids Book About Racism

This read aloud is, as the title suggests, a kids’ book about racism. Inside, you’ll find a clear description of what racism is, how it makes people feel when they experience it, and how to spot it when it happens. 

A Kids Book About Belonging

This read aloud tackles what it’s like when you feel like you belong to a group or family or team and what it’s like when you don’t. It addresses what it feels like when you don’t fit in, or when others don’t want you around. This book teaches kids how to belong to themselves and how that helps them belong anywhere.


This read aloud of SAY SOMETHING helps explain race to kids as well as the importance of speaking up.

Students Learn A Powerful Lesson About Privilege

Using a recycling bin and some scrap paper, this video showcases a powerful exercise about privilege. Do all students have the same opportunities? 

Black Parents Explain How to Deal with the Police

Brave parents and their curious kids confront some of life’s biggest and most uncomfortable lessons.

Film Kits for Classrooms

These classroom-friendly films and user guides will help you bring social justice topics to life. Incredibly, Teaching Tolerance offers these film kits for FREE for use in K–12 schools, public libraries, schools of education, houses of worship, and youth-serving nonprofit organizations. 

Starting Small

Designed for in-service programs, this training tool for early grades educators profiles classrooms in which peace, equity, and justice are guiding themes. (Available for order.)

An Outrage

This film takes viewers to the very communities where heinous acts of violence took place, offering a painful look back at lives lost to lynching and a critical look forward. (Available for streaming only.)

Selma | The Bridge to the Ballot

The film tells the story of a courageous group of students and teachers who, along with other activists, fought a nonviolent battle to win voting rights for African Americans in the South. (Available for order.)

Mighty Times | The Children’s March

This special teachers’ edition of the Oscar-winning documentary film tells the heroic story of the young people in Birmingham, Alabama, who brought segregation to its knees. (Available for order.)

America’s Civil Rights Movement | A Time for Justice

A Time for Justice, an Oscar-winning documentary, captures the spirit of the civil rights movement through historical footage and the voices of activists who sat, sang, and marched. (Available for order.)

What anti-racism videos do you feel are important to education? Share in the comments below.

Also, 19 Black Teachers on Instagram to Listen To and Learn From.

21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids