Wayne D'Orio

Posts by Wayne D'Orio

4 Ways to Build School Equity in America

DOE’s John King, checking on school equity progress in Connecticut, seeks nationwide solutions. By Wayne D’Orio, School Leaders Now senior editor The data is clear: Students attending high poverty and high minority schools are more likely to have inexperienced teachers and inexperienced school leaders. This fact only exacerbates the achievement gaps that already exist between[…]Continue Reading
4 Ways to Build School Equity in America

4 Ways to Build School Equity in America

DOE’s John King, checking on school equity progress in Connecticut, seeks nationwide solutions. By Wayne D’Orio, School Leaders Now senior editor The data is clear: Students attending high poverty and high minority schools are more likely to have inexperienced teachers and inexperienced school leaders. This fact only exacerbates the achievement gaps that already exist between[…]Continue Reading

5 Ways to Improve Your District Report Card

Here are practical tips for creating a district report card that is more helpful and meaningful to parents and the community. By Wayne D’Orio, School Leaders Now senior editor Most state or district report cards are hard to understand and too vague. So found a study from the Data Quality Campaign called “Show Me the Data: State Report Cards Must Answer Questions[…]Continue Reading

Bipartisan Advice for Betsy DeVos

Past DOE secretaries gather in D.C. to give their opinions to Betsy DeVos on ESSA, federal overreach, and what trend worries them the most. By Wayne D’Orio, School Leaders Now senior editor The word bipartisan always carries power in Washington, D.C., and this is especially true when the White House is switching from one party[…]Continue Reading

How to Strategize Your E-Rate Application

When making an E-rate application, your district should focus on updating wifi and equipment, as well as boosting schools’ internal connections. By Wayne D’Orio, School Leaders Now senior editor During a recent conversation about all things tech with Nathan Mielke, he said something casually that actually sums up the state of technology in education today. “I[…]Continue Reading