7 Fun Light Up Globes for the Classroom

Oh, the places you’ll go!

Collage of light up globes

Bringing the world to life for students is a lot easier with light up globes. Unlike maps in a book or on a screen, these provide a well-rounded perspective of how the planet is really arranged. Plus, it’s so much fun to give one a spin and see what’s there to be discovered!

Sifting through all the light up globes for sale and picking the best fit for you can be a tad overwhelming, though. Do you want an LED light for long-lasting illumination? A cute pink globe that matches the rest of your classroom decor? Is a constellation function a game-changer? Or maybe you want just as large a light up globe as you can find — without paying an arm and a leg. Whatever you’re looking for, we can make the decision a little easier for you.

(Just a heads up! WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)

Best Light Up Globes

Children’s Light Up Globe: Smart Wallaby Illuminated Educational Kids World Globe

Smart Wallaby Illuminated Educational Kids World Globe with card game details

This globe is on the smaller side with just a 9-inch diameter, but that makes it perfect for tucking away on a shelf until you’re ready to bring kids on an imaginary tour of the world. When lit up, gorgeous constellations take over the continents for celestial learning. It also comes with a bonus card game filled with facts about the 52 most populated countries.

Glowing review: “This lighted globe is perfect for children. While it is smaller than a standard sized globe, it’s still easy to read and find places, and its size makes it practical for a child to carry around/have on their desk. It’s also so pretty lit up in the dark, and makes an excellent night light. Highly recommended!”

Price: Under $60

Buy from Amazon: Smart Wallaby Illuminated Educational Kids World Globe

National Geographic Light Up Globe: Classic Reference Illuminated

National Geographic Classic Reference Illuminated Globe

You can’t go wrong with a globe from this beloved brand that always knows how to make learning fun. The timeless (yet factually up-to-date) design will give everyone a clear picture of the planet. Customers note this globe is a bit delicate, though, so it might be best to reserve for older students older kids who are less likely to bust the hemisphere.

Glowing review: “The globe is attractive, very useful and emits a pleasant light. Don’t go being heavy-handed with it, though, because it’s all plastic.”

Price: Under $55

Buy from Amazon: National Geographic Classic Reference Illuminated

Pink Light Up Globe: Waypoint Geographic Pink Continental Kids Globe

Waypoint Geographic Pink Continental Kids Globe

No rose-colored glasses necessary for students to see the world in a new light with this lovely globe. The modest 10-inch diameter and clearly labeled geographical boundaries, topography, and points of interest make it as educational as it is adorable.

Glowing review: “My oldest daughter loves studying the world and all of the different countries and cultures. She loves the color scheme of this particular globe and the fact that it lights up. It has excellent quality as far as craftsmanship, design, and everything is legible and easy to enjoy. Now, my youngest is asking for one!”

Price: Under $60

But from Amazon: Waypoint Geographic Pink Continental Kids Globe

LED Constellation Globe: USA Toyz LED Illuminated Globe

USA Toyz LED Illuminated Globe shown half lit with constellations on left side

The long-lasting bulb makes the constellations shine bright when you flip the switch in a dim room. There’s also an interactive app you can use with this 9.8- inch round globe that has earned an Authenticated Trustmark from STEM.org.

Glowing review: “It is an awesome educational globe for kids. The print isn’t too small and it’s esy to read. It can be used to study countries and watch the night light turn into a bright constellation. My little girl studied it for hours and hours and enjoyed it so much. I would recommend this for fun and learning.”

Price: Under $50

Buy from Walmart: USA Toyz LED Illuminated Globe

Replogle Light Up Globe: Globe 4 Kids with AR

Replogle Globe 4 Kids with AR

The company has been around since 1930, so it’s no surprise they know a thing or two about making high-quality globes. This one features drawings of people and animals along with the landmarks. The augmented reality (AR) app can be used on a tablet to really bring the wonders of the world to life for young times.

Glowing review: “My son received the globe as a Christmas present from his grandmother. The design has peaked the interest of my son. The pictures of people, animals and places of interest allows my son to learn some research strategies. When we read a book about an animal he can go to the globe and look for an animal by himself and learn where it is instead of me pointing it out.”

Bonus review that gets straight to the point: “GREAT FOR TEACHING!!”

Price: Under $60

Buy from Oriental Trading: Replogle Globe 4 Kids

Antique Light Up Globe: TTKTK Illuminated Antique Globe

TTKTK Illuminated Antique Globe shown lit up on a living room side table

This retro globe gives you a vintage aesthetic without sacrificing any up-to-date info. The modest 8-inch diameter orb also includes a modern (and long-lasting) LED light, making it truly the best of the old world and new.

Glowing review: “This is a wonderful globe. It looks amazing when illuminated and I love how the cord can easily be removed for transport study purposes. Great item!”

Price: Under $40

Buy from Amazon: TTKTK Illuminated Antique Globe

Large Light Up Globe: Get Life Basics World Globe with Stand

Get Life Basics World Globe with a hand pointing to continent of Africa

Finding a light up globe larger than this 13-inches diameter one would be a little difficult — and likely have a price tag in the four-digit range or higher. Plus, this one comes with a free eBook and compass for guiding kids through geographical and astronomical learning.

Glowing review: “I got this globe for my grandson’s 10th birthday. It was the hit of the party! Every child there wanted to examine it. They were very curious about how the world really looked and to see all the star constellations. It was actually the most beautiful globe I had ever seen. The fact that it lights up made it even better. One of the best and highest quality products I have ever purchased online.”

Price: Under $100

Buy from Amazon: Get Life Basics World Globe with Stand

Looking for more ways to explore the world from your classroom? Check out our roundup of travel games for kids!

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7 Fun Light Up Globes for the Classroom