This Teacher Went to the Hospital to Present an End-of-Year Classroom Award to Her Student 

He couldn’t make the ceremony, so she came to him!

Teacher goes to hospital for student

When first grader Malcom ended up in the hospital after an asthma attack, his teacher took action. She suspected he’d be sad about missing the end-of-year classroom award ceremony at school and knew he still deserved to be recognized. So she reached out to his mom to ask if she could come to the hospital to present him his awards. 

Brittany Smith is Malcom’s mom, and she captured the sweet moment on video last year and then posted it on her TikTok account, which you can see below.

Watch on TikTok


We see examples every day of teachers who go the extra mile to make their students feel special, and we wanted to recognize this great story. Check out the Q&A with Malcom’s mom below. 

How did your son’s teacher go above and beyond?

Mrs. McFarland is special because she truly cares about her students. She’s not someone who looks at teaching as just a job. She made my son feel really special when she came to the hospital to visit him. It was a tough time, and she didn’t want him to be left out of the end-of-year award ceremony, so she came to us to present him his award. She didn’t have to spend her personal time to come to the hospital, but she did because she knew it would matter. 

So there was an award ceremony that he missed out on?

Yes. He was bummed about missing the ceremony because he honestly loves school. He’s a bit of an overachiever at times and has been since kindergarten. He always gets great grades and loves to learn, so he didn’t want to miss this end-of-year celebration. 

What did he think when he saw his teacher at the hospital?

He was so surprised to see her and was very happy that she came. In the video, you can’t quite see the excitement on his face because he had just woken up and wasn’t feeling the best. But he was incredibly thankful. He still loves this teacher to this day and remembers that moment. 

What award did he get?

He received a few awards that day. She presented him with his medal, which he earned for being in the 25-mile club. He also received a trophy for being on the honor roll, and he received the Rocking Reader Award. 

Why are teachers like this important?

They shape the lives of our children. Teachers like this who work with parents do a lot to help our kids become good humans. You can tell they truly care about their students, and they aren’t doing this job just for a paycheck. These teachers are so important to recognize. 

What else do you want people to know about this moment?

Great teachers like this make such a huge impact on our children. I can guarantee that my son will remember Mrs. McFarland and this special moment when he is grown and has children of his own. Teachers like this deserve the world.

Do you know a teacher who goes above and beyond? Come share about them in the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook, and we just might do a story on it!

Plus, check out this article on students crashing a teacher’s wedding (in a good way).

This teacher went to the hospital to present her first grade student with his end-of-year classroom award because he missed the ceremony.