97 Welcoming Classroom Doors for Back to School

Roll out the butcher paper, unpack the construction paper, and break out the scissors.

Classroom door decorations for back to school including one that features hearts and says Welcome Back the Books Missed you and one that has a basketball hoop and says Shoot 4 Success.

Your students are about to walk through your classroom door for the first time—how are you going to welcome them? These back-to-school classroom door decorations let you show off your teacher personality from day one. From simple but meaningful to artistic and impressive, these ideas cover every subject, every teacher type, and every budget.

Tip: Not allowed to decorate your doors because of fire marshal or safety rules? Many of these make terrific bulletin boards too.

A door says Kindness is key and features several keys of varying sizes and colors.
Barbara Gruener via We Are Teachers

1. Kindness Is Key

We love this play on the word key and the idea of promoting kindness from the moment you walk through the door.

A door says Friendship is in the air. It features a hot air balloon and the top is made up of hearts with each student's names on them.
Barbara Gruener via We Are Teachers

2. Friendship in the Air

While this fun idea is shown as a wall hanging, it could easily be part of your classroom door decorations. Every student’s name is featured on its own heart so everyone feels welcome and included.

A door is decorated with a navy blue background and gold stars on it. It says VIP Stage Door Entrance.
Cheryl Rizzo via We Are Teachers

3. Everyone Is a Star

Make your students feel like movie stars with this cute, VIP-access-only classroom door.

A door says Reading gives you wings. It features a girl reading a book that opens up to a bunch of butterflies.
Betsy DeSotto via We Are Teachers

4. Reading Gives You Wings!

Here at We Are Teachers, we love anything that encourages a love of reading!

A door says 4th grade is flamazing and features a girl riding a flamingo and a sun with a smiley face.
Betsy DeSotto via We Are Teachers

5. Be Flamazing

This cute play on the words amazing and flamingo truly is flamazing. Plus, who hasn’t dreamed of riding a flamingo?

A door says we are fluent in kindness and features hearts all over.
Barbara Gruener via We Are Teachers

6. Fluent in Kindness

If you are a foreign language teacher who also loves to promote kindness, then this is the door for you!

A whole bunch of squares with student are on them come together to form a large paper quilt.
Angel Prado via We Are Teachers

7. Classroom Quilt

We love the idea of creating a classroom quilt, and what better place to display it than right on your door. Get the students involved in the classroom door decorations by having them create their own square representing them or something they love on the first day of school. Piece it together for a real wow!

The entryway to a classroom door shows five different options for students to select from when entering. They include thumbs up, wave, hug.
Colleen Bergquist via We Are Teachers

8. Entryway Decisions

Showing your students you care about them while also recognizing their individuality is of the utmost importance. Have them start each day with a warm greeting, ranging from a simple thumbs up to a hug. Kids simply point to the greeting of their choice.

Two double door glass doors are decorated to look like a camper.
Naomi Meredith via We Are Teachers

9. Bring the Outdoors In

Since no one likes being stuck inside all day, why not bring the outdoors in with a cute camping theme for your doorway and maybe your entire classroom?

Classroom door with colorful lettering reading Believe You Can and You're Halfway There
@joeyudovich via Instagram

10. Believe You Can

This is the perfect powerful message to greet your students on the first day!

Door decoration with faces turned into puzzle pieces. Text reads Our Class Fits Together.
@missmuinteoir via Instagram

11. Our Class Fits Together

You’re all pieces of the same puzzle, and you’re in this together! (Get that cute puzzle border here.)

12. Colorful Pom-Pom Welcome

Welcome your students into the classroom with this colorful pom-pom door decor. Get the pom-pom cutouts, border, and welcome banner.

Welcome to 1st Grade classroom door with a fish theme and text that reads Just Keep Swimming!
@foleyfunfridays via Instagram

13. Just Keep Swimming

Welcome back an entire school of little fishies (and share a little Disney love)!

A classroom door has a black background and the words at the top, when you enter this classroom. A series of You Are statements follow.
@lessonswithlaughter via Instagram

14. We Are Here

Bring those encouraging vibes from day one. Students will feel at home when they see their classroom door.

Dog standing by a classroom door decorated with smiling dogs. Text reads If you see someone without a smile today, give them yours.
@dollybaby_oes via Instagram

15. Puppy Smiles

Even if you don’t have an adorable classroom mascot like Dolly, you can still make classroom door decorations full of puppy smiles!

Classroom door with branch made of burlap and individually decorated paper monkeys.
@inspiration2intention via Instagram

16. Monkeying Around

Using brown burlap for the branch adds some cool texture to this door idea. Have kids color their own monkeys for a personal touch.

Classroom door reading Our futures are bright with math. Sunglass cutouts each have a reason to love math.
@rise.over.run via Instagram

17. Bright Futures

Classroom doors like this can be personalized for any subject. Find paper sunglasses cutouts here.

Classroom door reading Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader
@bloom_in_english via Instagram

18. Today a Reader

This classroom door decoration displays a powerful message for kids to absorb. And these reading monsters are so adorable!

Elements of a Successful Student classroom door with different "elements" representing positive traits.
@craftyshanny2 via Instagram

19. Elements of Success

This chemistry-inspired door deserves a Nobel Prize!

There's a whole latte learning happening in this classroom door decor with a latte cup
@sararains via Instagram

20. Whole Latte Learning

This door design will carry you all the way through fall so you can focus on the teaching.

Classroom door with a Coco theme. Text reads “Recuérdame, y viviré para siempre”
@sra.davilamadwid via Instagram

21. Coco: Live Forever

If this is one of your Disney faves, turn it into a classroom door! You can get a kit at the link, with text in Spanish or English (“Remember me and I will live forever”).

Happy Campers Learn Here classroom door with a camper van and sunshine
@craftsbycourt via Instagram

22. Happy Campers

The secret to this camping-themed classroom door? Duct tape!

Toy Story-themed classroom door with Buzz and Woody, saying You've got a friend in Ms Fryman
@katelynn_sylvia via Instagram

23. You’ve Got a Friend

Here’s some more Disney love from everybody’s favorite toy duo!

Lego themed classroom door. Text reads We're building our way through 1st grade.
@mckinleykaty via Instagram

24. Building Our Way

Speaking of toys, kids will love these 3D paper LEGO bricks.

Classgram classroom door made to look like an instagram page with room for photos to be added
@mrsspeightsdoodles via Instagram

25. Classgram

Many students are too young to be on social media, so give them an option they can follow in real life instead. (Buy a kit to make this door from Teach Create Motivate.)

Classroom door reading Math gives us hope that every problem has a solution, surrounded by math symbols and numbers
@craftyshanny2 via Instagram

26. Math Gives Us Hope

You may have 99 problems, but a clever door design isn’t one of them!

Classroom door with sign language for love. Text reads There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. - Van Goghna
@shiningartstars via Instagram

27. Sign Language Love

Welcome kids by reminding them to embrace diversity in all its forms.

A door is black and says A flower does not compete with other flowers. It just blooms.
@miss_cato via Instagram

28. A Flower Blooms

Such a great sentiment AND a gorgeous door!

A black background says words of Wisdom and features little shelves with plants and advice.
@missksullivan via Instagram

29. Words of Wisdom

Positive sayings and plants? Yes, please.

Teacher standing my classroom door that reads Math is my Jam with pictures of math symbols and a calculator
@misscraftymathteacher via Instagram

30. Math Is My Jam!

We love it when teachers are proud of their subject and display it boldly.

31. Ready to Fly

What a great, positive message for students. Help them fly this year!

Classroom door decorated to make it look like a home door with a wreath. Text reads home sweet classroom.
@atouchofclassteaching via Instagram

32. Home Sweet Classroom

Your classroom is their home away from home. Make it feel welcoming!

Door decorated with Among Us crew members. Text reads There are learners among us.
@teachinginparadise via Instagram

33. Learners Among Us

Whatever else might be sus, the learning in your classroom definitely is not!

34. We Swim Together

Each of your students can make a fish that matches their personality. Let the creativity begin!

Classroom door saying Amazing Things Happen Here in colorful letters and different fonts
@mrs.mcginnis_class via Instagram

35. Amazing Things Happen Here

Simple, colorful, and full of excitement!

A door is decorated with a rocket ship and says the sky is the limit.
@mississateacher via Instagram

36. The Sky Is the Limit

Shoot for the stars this back-to-school season!

37. Inspiring Black Youth

These classroom door decorations were originally created for Black History Month, but they are terrific for back to school too.

Classroom door decorated with an illustration of a young Black woman, with 3-D hair strands reaching out to surround the frame. Text reads I Am Enough.
@blackeducatorsconnect via Instagram

38. I Am Enough

Some classroom door decoration ideas, like this one, really make a big impact! Take inspiration from the book by Grace Byers and remind students that they are enough every single day.

Teacher standing next to a classroom door decorated with paper flowers. Text reads No solo crezcas, florece.
@sra.davilamadwid via Instagram

39. Grow and Bloom

This door’s message makes an impact in any language: Don’t just grow, bloom!

Classroom door decorated with a picture of the earth. Text reads: We all have something within us the world needs.
@misschidiacs.moments via Instagram

40. Something Within Us

Such an important message for every single student to hear.

Classroom door with text reading You are smart. You are brave. You are strong. You are kind. You are loved.
@natalielynnkindergarten via Instagram

41. You Are Loved

Everyone needs to hear these things and know that there’s a place where they belong.

Door decorated with a paper tree made of blue and green butterflies and s child's silhouette. Text reads Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.
@theprintedsociety via Instagram

42. Beautiful Butterflies

Those hand-cut butterflies are truly astonishing! No time to do that yourself? Buy pre-cut paper butterflies here.

Classroom door decorated with a 3-D paper cactus and hearts with student names. Text reads In this class, we stick together.
@adventures_in2nd via Instagram

43. We Stick Together

Use artificial flowers to add some color to a paper cactus. Punchy details bring door decorations to life!

A classroom door is designed to look like a pencil.
Paola Garcia via Pinterest

44. Oversize Pencil

Here’s another take on the “sharp bunch” theme, with the door itself turned into a giant pencil!

Door decorated with a toy basketball hoop and paper basketballs. Text reads Shoot 4 Success.
@mrseskander via Instagram

45. Shoot 4 Success

We love 3D classroom door decoration ideas. The real basketball hoop makes this classroom door so much fun.

Door decorated with a large paper ruler and colorful flowers. Text reads When we learn we grow.
@kindershenanigans via Instagram

46. Learn and Grow

The big ruler really makes this colorful design pop.

Pete the Cat themed classroom door
@teach.play.grow via Instagram

47. Pete the Cat

Pete the Cat will always be a favorite! This design really works because it’s big, bright, and friendly.

Classroom door decorated with colorful border and tassels, and Hello, My Name Is... tags for each student
@fireworks.in.first via Instagram

48. Hello, My Name Is …

If you’re looking for a simple, colorful classroom door you can throw together in a snap, try this idea. Here are the supplies you’ll need: colorful name tags, tassel garland, and a rainbow dots border.

Classroom door decorated with colorful paper llama cutouts with student names. Text reads First Grade is a Llama Fun.
@mrs.hugosclassyclass via Instagram

49. Llama Fun

Here’s another easy one any teacher can do. Save time by buying these cute paper llama cutouts to personalize.

Classroom door painted with chalkboard paint. Text reads If we all make today awesome for somebody else, today will be awesome for everybody.
@ewhitmyre via Instagram

50. Chalkboard Door

Make it easy to have a new classroom door message whenever you want! Cover your door with chalkboard paint (be sure to get permission first), then chalk up a new message whenever inspiration strikes.

Door decorated with colorful paper and plastic plates to look like a paint palette. Text reads Be art-rageous.
@k.smith.art via Instagram

51. Art Inspiration

Use colorful paper plates to make a paint set. So clever and so easy.

Door decorated with a large paper calculator. Text reads Calculate kindness into every day.
@teachwithchar via Instagram

52. Calculate Kindness

That paper calculator is so much fun!

Classroom Door reading In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Yellow and pink sticky notes on the door offer ideas for how to show kindness.
@strongermindsinschool via Instagram

53. Be Kind

Your students help make this door something special by adding their own ideas on how to show kindness to others.

Pacman themed classroom door with text reading 2018 is going to be a-maze-ing.
@teachingthird via Instagram

54. A-maze-ing Year

Those old-school retro vibes are everything.

Classroom door with butterfly wings and child standing in front. Text reads Spread your wings, it's time to fly. Make the leap, own the sky.
@theprintedsociety via Instagram

55. Spread Your Wings

Perfect for those first-day pictures.

Door decorated with a large pineapple. Text reads: Be a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
@carolineandconfetti via Instagram

56. Be a Pineapple

Pineapples send a surprisingly positive message.

A rainforest themed door says we are wild about learning. It features leaves and monkeys.
@missksullivan via Instagram

57. Wild About Learning

This door is perfect for a rainforest-themed classroom.

A door features a tree with several birds sitting on the branches. It says, "Welcome to Mrs. Holcomb's Nest."
My Classroom Ideas via Pinterest

58. Welcome to the Nest

Personalize this cozy door by having students decorate their own bird, write their name, and add one fact that makes them unique.

Classroom door made to look like a pack of crayons.
Kyrsta Pokoski via Pinterest

59. Colorful Crayons

What’s better than a fresh new pack of crayons?

A door is designed to look like a book page from the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
@theprekday via Instagram

60. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Students will go coco-nuts for this DIY book-inspired door!

A classroom door reads twinkle twinkle little star we wished for you and you are here. It features underwater divers diving for starfish.
@truelifekindergarten via Instagram

61. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Make your students feel special with this underwater door decoration. How cute are those scuba divers?

A classroom door features a basket of apples with apples all over.
Best of the Bunch via supplyme.com

62. Best of the Bunch

Apples are a back-to-school classic, and this door is a bushel of fun. Try these apple cutouts to make your own.

Classroom door with book design. Text reads Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay here.
@glitterandglue4k2 via Instagram

63. Reading Adventures

Welcome all the readers to your classroom!

A classroom door says Taco Bout a great class and features a taco with a smiley face.
@phe_prek via Instagram

64. Taco Bout It

If there’s one thing kids love, it’s food. Show some love to your class (and tacos) with this adorable back-to-school door.

A classroom door says Look who's in our room! and features many small owls and one larger one.
New Classroom Pics! via mrsleeskinderkids.blogspot.com

65. Look Whooo’s Here

Those giant wiggly eyes make this personalized door extra cute.

66. Oh Snap!

We love Instagram-inspired classroom doors. Fill it with summer photos or clips from experiences that students can expect in your class (the covers of novels you’ll read, photos of the field trip to the zoo, students reading outside in the spring …).

A colorful door says First Grade is Oh So Sweet and features a large popsicle.
Classroom Tour via firstgradesweeties.blogspot.com

67. Oh So Sweet

These Popsicle-themed, glitter-covered classroom door decorations are the perfect sweet start to the year.

Classroom door decorated with an ocean theme
Amber Beers via Pinterest

68. Ocean Reef

Take a trip under the sea.

The area around an open classroom door is designed to look like a whale with it's mouth open. There are teeth around the door frame.
@tyrumble via Instagram

69. A Whale of a Door

This is a doorway your students will never forget!

Superheroes in Training classroom door decoration with 3-D effect of Superman bursting through the door.
Ricardo Caballero via Pinterest

70. Superheroes in Training

That 3D effect is easy to create and really adds a lot of impact.

Classroom door decorated to look like a piece of notebook paper with students names handwritten on the page.
@teacherjdot via Instagram

71. Notebook Paper

What a wonderful way to display your students’ names. The design is simple yet perfect.

72. Incredible Year

Love the Incredibles movies? Try this door decoration!

A door says totally awesome kids are busy learning behind this door.
Laura Reed via Pinterest

73. Awesome Kids

Keep it colorful (and geometric) with this welcoming door.

A door says life is sweet in 4th grade and features smiley face pineapples and other tropical items.
@jfarr14 via Instagram

74. Life Is Sweet

Pineapples and flamingos make for a really welcoming door.

A door says young minds bloom inside this room and features large 3-D flowers.
Amanda Sapio via Pinterest

75. Young Minds Bloom

How pretty are those flowers? Your class will definitely feel welcomed walking through this gorgeous door.

A door features cat faces and says our class is pawesome.
@denae_lynn via Instagram

76. Cat Class

Who doesn’t love being greeted by fuzzy kittens every morning?

A door features a rocket ship and stars and says blast off into 2022
@caretolearndc via Instagram

77. Blast Off!

Go on a space mission into your classroom this year. Prepare for liftoff!

A door says Welcome Chicken Nuggets. A woman is seen holding a toddler in front of it.
@redeemed.marie via Instagram

78. Chicken Nuggets

We love these fast-food-inspired classroom door decorations. Perfect for little ones.

A door says welcome back the books missed you. There is an open book and a lot of rainbow hearts above it.
@4thgrademaestra via Instagram

79. Welcome Book

This door is perfect for a library or an English class. So simple and cute!

A classroom door has a green background with several different colored tents all over it.
@nerdyinkindergarten via Instagram

80. In Tents

Grab some tent stickers and some cute garland to re-create this in-tents door.

A door features blue water and a whale tail and says Welcome we're having a whale of a time.
@lightingthatspark via Instagram

81. Whale of a Time

This colorful door is over-whale-mingly cute!

82. Kids at Work

This door is one in a minion!

A door says Reach for the Stars. It features different colored arms all reaching up toward a moon and stars.
First Day Goal Setting via secondgradethrills.blogspot.com/

83. Reach for the Stars

Your students will love participating in this Reach for the Stars activity!

A door features the Very Hungry Caterpillar and says Welcome Very Hungry Learners!
Mary Rivera via Pinterest

84. Hungry Learners

Just like the caterpillar was hungry for food, your students are hungry for knowledge!

A blue classroom door says everyday is an adventure in 4B and features a house floating with balloons attached.
School Art Activities via bricksandwood.blogspot.com

85. On an Adventure

Up and away!

A door says in this school you are a special piece of the puzzle and features puzzle pieces.
Dawn McDevitt via Pinterest

86. Piece of the Puzzle

A puzzle border makes this door really stand out.

A classroom door features mountains and says we'll move mountains this year.
Aridita Anggraini via Pinterest

87. Move Mountains

Remind students of all they are capable of on the first day.

A classroom door is designed to look like a ruled piece of paper. It features a pencil and the text welcome to our class.
Teaching Is Elementary via Pinterest

88. Welcome Door

Keep it simple with this notebook paper door! Add a pencil for a nice finishing touch.

A blue door features cookie monster and several cookies.
Sundas Usman via Pinterest

89. Cookie Monster

This board is super sweet. Om nom nom!

A classroom door is designed to look like a page from the Mo Willems book don't let them penguin drive the bus.
The First Days of School via atriedandtrueteacher.blogspot.com

90. Don’t Let the Pigeon …

Call out a kid-favorite book with this adorable back-to-school door decoration. Don’t let the pigeon in!

A door says ready set glow and features fireflies.
Courtney Fulker via Pinterest

91. Ready, Set, Glow

Catch some fireflies this back-to-school season. Watch your class light up with learning!

a black door has rainbow confetti on it and says throw kindness like confetti
Rileigh via Pinterest

92. Throw Kindness Like Confetti

Celebrate kindness all day every day in your classroom.

A door says no one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.
Randi Summers via Pinterest

93. Stand Out

Stand out from the crowd with this inspirational door! Perfect for a circus-themed classroom.

a door features the character joy from Inside Out and says ready for a year of good memories.
Brooke Smith via Pinterest

94. Joy of Learning

Turn your classroom inside out! This door is sure to spark some joy.

A classroom door features different emojis with student names underneath them.
Wendy Kuipers via Pinterest

95. Emoji Door

Welcome your students with a smiling face! And a silly face and a laughing face …

A door features a sun and cacti and says you have something that this world needs.
Sarah Mathenia via Pinterest

96. Ray of Sunshine

Brighten up the entry to your classroom with this desert-themed door. The sun is shining and we’re ready to learn!

A door features a honeycomb and bees.
Tacara Ferguson via Pinterest

97. Honey Bee

Your students will be buzzing with excitement when they see this classroom door.

Come and share your classroom door decorations in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out some of our favorite back-to-school bulletin boards.

Looking for creative and clever ways to dress up dull classroom doors? Check out this list of inspiring classroom door decorations!