We won’t even sugarcoat it…teachers are busy. You work entirely too many hours during the school year, you’re up early every day, and many of you have families of your own. So when it comes to teacher workouts, it seems nearly impossible. How are you supposed to fit it all in?!
It’s tough. We get it. That’s why when Jennifer posted in our Teacher HELPLINE about making time for the gym with so many other things going on, we knew we had to scoop up the advice. When it comes to deciding between morning or afternoon workouts, one thing is certain–our Helpliners are dedicated to one or the other.
Whether you’re an early bird jogger or night owl gym-goer, here is their best advice for teacher workouts.
1. Commit to minutes not hours. “My go-to workout during the school year is Beachbody Focus T25. I get up at 5:20 a.m., do my 25 minute workout and I’m out the door by 7 a.m., with my two kids! The fact that it is only 25 minutes makes it easier for me to drag myself out of bed.” –Faith R.
2. Routine is key. “I workout at 5 a.m. It takes time to get used to it, but for me, it works. This has become my time. It’s quiet outside when I jog and I can wrap my head around the day ahead.” –Nancy E.
3. Save drive time. “I do at-home workouts to save the travel time to get to the gym and back. I’ve managed to lose weight without having to step foot in a crowded gym! How’s that for teacher workouts?” –Shauna D.
4. Think ahead. “I go to bed in my workout clothes so that I can get up and workout early. After I shower and get ready at home, I drink my breakfast shake on my ride to school.” –Kim D.
5. Prep your classroom. “I make sure everything is ready and organized before I leave each day. That way I can workout the next morning and know that even if I walk into my classroom 3 minutes before my students arrive, I am ready to teach.” –Melanie B.
6. Buddy up. “I work out at school after the day ends with fellow teachers. We put on a workout DVD or make up our own routine.” –Melissa W.
7. Walk while you work. “I haven’t gone to the gym in years. Instead, I set a daily walking goal. I try to get 2 miles in during prep and lunch, and if it’s nice out after work and I have my grading done, I reward myself with a walk. If I don’t hit my goal, I “house walk” by putting laundry away one piece at a time or organizing my groceries one at a time. It’s worth it.” –Elizabeth D.
8. Bring your kids. “Go to a gym that has childcare. Many of them offer it with a membership. That way you know your kids are being looked after while you get your workout in.” –O’Donna
9. Pack a snack. “I always pack an extra snack–a granola bar or a half of a peanut butter sandwich–in my lunch to eat at the end of the school day before I head to the gym. That holds me over since I know I won’t be eating dinner until later.” –Jessica Y.
10. Don’t stop home. “I find the only way I can get to the gym is if I bring my workout clothes to school and change there. If I stop home first, I’ll never make it.” –Cindy S.
11. Make it a game. “I wear a pedometer, joined Weight Watchers online and exercise using Wii games at least 3 nights a week for 30 minutes. It all adds up!” –Amy Y.
Tell us: Teacher workouts–how do you fit them in? Remember, every little bit counts! If you simply can’t make time for the gym in the morning–don’t fret. And if you’re just too tired to go after a busy classroom day–no one will judge. Do what works best for YOU and you’ll be happier in the end.