25 Fifth Grade Brain Breaks To Energize Your Classroom

Illusions, meditations, stretching, and more.

Collage of screenshots of videos for 21 Fifth Grade Brain Breaks To Energize Your Classroom

Whether you’re in the classroom or meeting virtually, learning (and teaching!) can get tiring. After putting in hours of hard work, a short reprieve can be good for the mind and body. We’ve put together this list of fifth grade brain breaks for those moments when you need a change of pace!

1. Would You Rather? “Among Us” Edition

Would you rather…have an egg hat or a cheese hat? 

2. Minecraft Workout

Get moving with seven rounds of fun!


3. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Great for in-person and virtual activities!

4. Price Is Right Exercise Game

Perfect for physical education activities and fifth grade brain breaks!

 5. Cha Cha Slide Dance

“Clap, clap, clap, clap your hands!”

6. Ultimate Locomotor Skills Bop It Challenge

Who can keep up?

7.  Mario Kart Fitness

Start your engines!

8. 5 Minute Pokemon Yoga Workout

Gotta catch ’em all!

9. Fortnite Follow

Get ready to move!

10. Minecraft Fitness Run!

It’s a race to defeat the Ender Dragon!

11. “This Is The Way” Baby Yoda Grogu Fitness

Run, duck, jump, and dodge to get Grogu (Baby Yoda) home!

12. Stretching

This great stretching brain break activity can be done anywhere.

13. Fortnite Dance Freeze Game

Follow the dance and then freeze when the music stops!

14. Yoga Freeze Dance + HIIT Cardio Workout

High-intensity intervals and yoga poses combine together for one great freeze game!

15. Avatar Martial Arts Lesson

Perfect for Avatar: The Last Airbender fans!

16. I Spy — Among Us Edition

A great workout for the brain and body!

17. Fitness Trivia

Answer each question by choosing the right exercise!

18. Meme Mood Game

Get ready for lots of laughs and fun!

19. Move Like the Avengers Workout

Les Mills created this fun, free five-minute workout for kids!

20. Daily Stretch

A good stretch for the classroom or at home!

21. Bring It Down — Flow

Help kids learn how to gain control of stressful energy when it becomes too hard to handle.

22. Dice Game

This energizer will have everyone moving!

23. Optical Illusions

These are simply mind blowing!

24. Would You Rather? Travel Energizer Game

Where would we go if we could travel?

25. Classroom Meditation

A simple but powerful mindfulness meditation for the classroom!

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25 Fifth Grade Brain Breaks To Energize Your Classroom