50 Food Jokes for Kids To Make Meal Time More Fun

Are you hungry for humor?

Do you have trouble getting kids to eat their vegetables? Maybe you can camouflage them with a dose of laughter! These food jokes for kids will be sure to make them smile. Meal and snack time has never been this fun!

1. What’s a vegetable’s favorite kind of joke?

1. What's a vegetable's favorite kind of joke?

A corny one.

2. Why was the fruit busy on Friday night?

2. Why was the fruit busy on Friday night?

It had a date.

3. What did the strawberry say to its crush?

3. What did the strawberry say to its crush?

I’m berry fond of you.

4. What did the fruit say to its friend?

4. What did the fruit say to its friend?

You’re pretty grape.

5. What do you call a cow in an earthquake?

5. What do you call a cow in an earthquake?

A milkshake.

6. What cheese is not yours?

6. What cheese is not yours?

Nacho cheese.

7. What did one slice of bread say to the other before a fight?

7. What did one slice of bread say to the other before a fight?

You’re toast.

8. What did the bun do when its plans suddenly changed?

8. What did the bun do when its plans suddenly changed?

It rolled with it.

9. What did the real noodle call the fake noodle?

9. What did the real noodle call the fake noodle?

An impasta.

10. What’s a noodle’s favorite action movie?

10. What's a noodle's favorite action movie?

Mission Impastable.

11. What was the math teacher’s favorite dessert?

11. What was the math teacher's favorite dessert?


12. What do gingerbread men use to make their beds?

12. What do gingerbread men use to make their beds?

Cookie sheets.

13. What bird is with you at every meal?

13. What bird is with you at every meal?

A swallow.

14. What do you get when you put three ducks in a row?

14. What do you get when you put three ducks in a row?

A box of quackers.

15. What is a table you can eat?

15. What is a table you can eat?

A vegetable.

16. Why did the banana go to the doctor?

16. Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well.

17. What did the lettuce say to the celery?

17. What did the lettuce say to the celery?

Quit stalking me.

18. What school subject is the fruitiest?

18. What school subject is the fruitiest?

History, because it is full of dates.

19. What candy do you eat on the playground?

19. What candy do you eat on the playground?

Recess pieces.

20. What’s the best thing to put into a pie?

20. What's the best thing to put into a pie?

Your teeth.

21. Why shouldn’t you tell an egg a joke?

21. Why shouldn't you tell an egg a joke?

Because it might crack up.

22. Waiter, will my pizza be long?

22. Waiter, will my pizza be long?

No, it will be round.

23. What kind of school teaches you how to make ice cream?

23. What kind of school teaches you how to make ice cream?

A Sundae school.

24. Why did the fruit love to drink hot chocolate?

24. Why did the fruit love to drink hot chocolate?

Because it was a cocoa-nut.

25. What did the hamburger name its daughter?

25. What did the hamburger name its daughter?


26. Why didn’t the orange finish the race?

26. Why didn't the orange finish the race?

Because he ran out of juice.

27. What is Santa’s favorite snack?

27. What is Santa's favorite snack?


28. What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?

28. What is a ghost's favorite fruit?


29. How did the Burger King propose to his girlfriend?

29. How did the Burger King propose to his girlfriend?

With an onion ring.

30. What did the frog order at the burger place?

30. What did the frog order at the burger place?

French flies and a diet croak.

31. Why did the jellybean go to school?

31. Why did the jellybean go to school?

To become a Smartie.

32. What jam can’t you eat?

32. What jam can't you eat?

A traffic jam.

33. What do you get if you cross a cow with a Smurf?

33. What do you get if you cross a cow with a Smurf?

Blue cheese.

34. Why don’t we eat ghosts?

34. Why don't we eat ghosts?

They’ll go right through you.

35. Why didn’t the police catch the banana?

35. Why didn't the police catch the banana?

Because it split.

36. What do you call two bananas?

36. What do you call two bananas?

A pair of slippers.

37. What do race car drivers eat?

37. What do race car drivers eat?

Fast food.

38. What was the tortilla chip’s favorite hobby?

38. What was the tortilla chip's favorite hobby?

Salsa dancing.

39. What did the baby corn say to its mom?

39. What did the baby corn say to its mom?

Where’s my pop-corn?

40. Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?

40. Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?

To get another rib.

41. What did the pecan say to the walnut?

41. What did the pecan say to the walnut?

We’re friends because we are both nuts.

42. Want to hear a joke about pizza?

42. Want to hear a joke about pizza?

Never mind, it’s too cheesy.

43. Which friends should you take to lunch?

43. Which friends should you take to lunch?

Your taste buds.

44. What part of your lunch makes you sleepy?

44. What part of your lunch makes you sleepy?

A nap-kin.

45. When is eating like going to school?

45. When is eating like going to school?

When you have three or four courses.

46. Did you hear the joke about peanut butter?

46. Did you hear the joke about peanut butter?

I’m not telling you. You might spread it.

47. Why do the French like to eat snails?

47. Why do the French like to eat snails?

Because they don’t like fast food.

48. Did you hear about the carrot detective?

48. Did you hear about the carrot detective?

He got to the root of every case.

49. What are twins’ favorite fruit?

49. What are twins' favorite fruit?


50. Why did the student eat her exam?

50. Why did the student eat her exam?

The teacher told her it was a piece of cake.

Did you enjoy these food jokes for kids? Check out our school jokesmath jokeshistory jokesscience jokesgrammar jokes, and music jokes.

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50 Food Jokes for Kids To Make Meal Time More Fun