24 Morning Message Ideas To Get Your Day Started on the Right Foot

Support your students’ social emotional growth with these thought provoking questions

Collage of morning message ideas for classrooms

A morning message is the perfect way to engage your students the minute they walk through the door. Answering a question with no right or wrong answer allows learners to discover and articulate what’s important to them and supports their social-emotional growth. Not only that, the questions can spark important conversations that bring your community together on a deeper level. Here are some of our favorite morning message ideas teachers are using to connect with their students.

1. What are you thankful for?

Classroom poster featuring green shamrock that says "I'm lucky because..."

Start the day off on the bright side of the street.

Source: @chiarasclassroom

2. How can you prepare for the day?

Classroom poster asking 3rd graders- how can we prepare and end the year off strong?

Set your intention and finish strong.

Source: @annainroom123

3. What is your focus this week?

Classroom poster asking What can you do differently to make you a stronger student?

A brand new week is always a good time to think about things differently.

Source: @selebrateyou Do Things Differently


4. What makes you unique?

Classroom poster asking students what makes them different?

In other words, what characteristics make you, you?

Source: @ms_boyers_cabin

5. How can you use your words today?

Classroom poster asking students how they can use positive words

Kind words show we care about our community.

Source: @pearlsandwisdom Positive Words

6. What will you choose to do today?

Classroom poster asking kids what will you choose to do and be today?

How will you determine your own course?

Source: @selebrateyou Chooseday

7. What do you see when you gaze at the sky?

Classroom poster asking kids what do you see in the sky?

Take a closer look at the big wide world around you.

Source: @cookiestocrayons

8. What is meaningful to you?

Classroom poster asking students what things they would never give up

Dig deeper into your self-awareness.

Source: @selebrateyou Things You Won’t Give Up

9. How can you be a good friend today?

Classroom poster asking kids to tell 2 ways they can be a good friend

Because community is important.

Source: @pearlsandwisdom Friends

10. Sometimes friendship is hard.

Classroom poster asking students how they would handle a conflict with a friend

Thinking out strategies and solutions ahead of time helps avoid painful situations.

Source: @selebrateyou What Will You Do

11. Where do you travel in your dreams?

Classroom poster asking students where they would go if they could go anywhere in the world

Dream big.

Source: @fourth_grade_flock

12. What is a “do-over” for you?

Classroom poster asking kids what is one thing you've done this year that you want to do again

So many fun things to choose from.

Source: @pearlsandwisdom Do Over

13. What makes you feel proud of yourself?

Classroom poster asking kids to describe their biggest accomplishment, proudest moment or a time they conquered a fear

Celebrate the moments that build self-esteem.

Source: @selebrateyou Top of the World Tuesday

14. What makes you feel loved?

Classroom poster asking kids what makes them feel loved

Discover your love language.

Source: @teachinginstripes

15. What would your story be?

Classroom poster asking kids what they would have done differently if they were Harry Potter

Put yourself in the main character’s shoes and rewrite the story.

Source: @selebrateyou Things Tuesday

16. How will you grow this week?

Classroom poster asking kids what is one thing you want to change to make this week productive

What can you shift to be more productive?

Source: @selebrateyou Shift

17. We don’t say we can’t. We say “not yet.”

Classroom poster asking kids what is one thing you can't do yet

One of the cornerstones of a growth mindset.

Source: @pearlsandwisdom Not Yet

18. If you had a superpower, how would you change the world?

Classroom poster asking kids if they could have one superpower to help change the world, what would it be

Widening the scope on how we can use our gifts.

Source: @selebrateyou Tell Me About It Tuesday

19. How many teeth do you have?

Classroom poster asking kids how many teeth they have

Hey, it’s a big thing when you’re six!

Source: 2thriftytargetteacher

20. What is your favorite part of this season?

Classroom poster asking students what is your favorite way to enjoy sweater weather

What makes you happy in this time and place?

Source: @miss_oldani

21. How do you care for a friend?

Classroom poster asking kids how do you care for a friend

Actions speak louder than words.

Source: @pearlsandwisdom Friday Feels

22. What is important to you?

Classroom poster asking kids what are some things you wish lasted a long time

The things you want more of reveal your priorities.

Source: @helloadventures06

23. What do you love about your classmates?

Classroom poster asking kids to compliment a classmate

What are the gifts of the people in our community?

Source: @texasteachingchicks

24. How will you exercise your brain today?

Classroom poster asking kids how will you exercise your brain today

Mental gymnastics keeps our brains limber.

Source: @pearlsandwisdom Work Out Wednesday

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24 Morning Message Ideas to Get Your Day Started on the Right Foot