Get a Free Classroom Film Screening Kit To Teach Diversity and Inclusion

Imagine a world where skin is not a barrier to unlocking your best self.

Movie posters for Neutrogena diversity film screening kit

Conversations about identity, inclusion, self-esteem, and diversity have always been challenging in the classroom. However, the need for such difficult discussions has become more relevant and necessary than ever. This is why we’re excited to share a free classroom screening kit featuring two short films plus student activities, discussion questions, and more. Created through Neutrogena Studios’ First Frame Program, the films explore these themes and provide an opportunity for impactful class discussions.

What are the films about?

Neutrogena Studios and the Ghetto Film School asked two young filmmakers to imagine a world where skin is not a barrier to unlocking your best self. With this theme in mind, two outstanding films were created—En Avant and If My Voice Rang Louder Than My Skin. These films elevate the voices of young BIPOC directors and show what it means to feel authentic in your skin.

En Avant, written by Sarah Jean Williams, tells the story of a Black ballerina’s internal struggle with self-acceptance as she faces racism in a white-dominated art form. If My Voice Rang Louder Than My Skin, an animated short film written by Kyra Peters, is an allegorical story. In it, we meet a teenage boy who craves a life where his skin no longer affects his daily life or how others perceive him. Watch the trailer for the films here.

Our goal with this program is to help teachers raise awareness among students about disparities. Additionally, it is perfect for stimulating impactful conversations and inspiring creativity and positive action.

A free classroom film screening kit is available to middle and high school teachers who sign up to share the films with students. It includes access to the films plus a digital poster and teacher’s guide. The guide is full of meaningful activities and prompts to explore the topics. Each of the discussion prompts and activities are aligned to national standards in English/Language Arts, Social Studies, and Social-Emotional Learning.



Will the films work in my classroom?

The short films address vital issues like identity, inclusion, self-esteem, mental health, and diversity, making them perfect to inspire valuable discussions for middle and high school classrooms. The films and accompanying activities align with learning standards and objectives. They are appropriate for ELA, social studies, and health. Additionally, they fit perfectly into lessons for creative writing, school counseling programs, film, and theater arts.

What’s inside the classroom film screening kit?

The classroom film screening kit includes:

  • Streaming links for “En Avant” (12 minutes) and “If My Voice Rang Louder Than My Skin” (4 minutes).
  • Classroom Poster: full-sized poster perfect for supporting the themes introduced in the films and creating a welcoming feeling in any classroom.
  • Teacher Guide with information on the films and directors, as well as suggested discussion questions, student assignments, and activities.
  • Plus, the first 200 teachers to provide feedback on the program will receive a free Neutrogena facial cleanser sample.

Please watch the film trailer to see a sample of the films created by these talented young filmmakers. Then, click below to get your screening kit!