18 Times “Parks and Recreation” Perfectly Described Teaching

I am 100% certain that I am 0% sure of what I’m going to do.

What do teachers and the characters from Parks and Recreation have in common? A lot! We look forward to summer. We sometimes get bogged down with government bureaucracy. We need a great team to get the job done. But most of all, our job sometimes requires an amazing sense of humor! Here are 18 scenes from Parks and Recreation that could’ve come straight out of the classroom. 

1. When you’re going into the year feeling pretty confident. 

Parks And Recreation Amy GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


2. When you’re a first-year teacher with a can-do attitude.

Andy Dwyer I Have No Idea What Im Doing GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


3. When you nail that chemistry lesson that kept you up all night. 

Ben from Parks and Rec saying "Bam" and dropping the mic.


4. When you’ve run out of supplies and throw yourself at the mercy of the workroom para. 

Woman from Parks and Rec saying "please, please, please, please, please"


5. When your students don’t like the groups you’ve created. 

Man from Parks and Rec saying "don’t sass me."

6. When you catch your students shaving their pencils down to teeny-tiny stubs in the pencil sharpener. 

Watch It Parks And Recreation GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


7. When your lesson plans for the next two weeks are done. 

Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


8. When you’re new to the PBIS committee and want to make a good impression. 


9. When you hear that a new projection system is coming to your room!


10. When you decide to treat your team with a coffee run, but you spill a whole cup down your white pants. 

Embarrassing Parks And Recreation GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


11. When you’ve had parent-teacher conferences two nights in a row, and it’s only Wednesday. 


Parks And Recreation Time GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


12. When you read another letter to the editor ranting about how teachers are overpaid. “They only work 9 months a year!”

Angry Parks And Recreation GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


13. When you find out you have six different preps this year. 



14. When Teacher Appreciation Day is just around the corner. 

Woman from Parks and Rec saying "Oh, its only the best day of the year."


15. When the office tells you you’re getting four new students. 

Parks And Recreation Design GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


16. When your students ask you to use funny voices for the characters in your read-aloud. 

Ben from Parks and Rec saying "I was completely flustered. I came off like an idiot."


17. When you’ve agreed to be the PTO teacher liaison. 

This Is Bad Parks And Recreation GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


18. When your kindergartner, who just came out of the bathroom, asks you to tie his wet shoelaces. 

Woman from Parks and Rec making an uncomfortable smile.

Are you a member of the Pawnee fan club? Share some of your favorite ways Parks and Recreation is like teaching on our WeAreTeachers HELPLINEon Facebook.

Also, check out 14 ridiculous dress code rules for teachers you won’t believe are real!

18 Times "Parks and Recreation" Perfectly Described Teaching