Self-esteem work is an important part of our overall social-emotional learning work. When children have a healthy sense of self-esteem, they are more likely to navigate challenges with resilience and confidence. With that in mind, we developed this bundle of 10 self-esteem worksheets, designed for 3rd to 5th graders. Check out what’s inside.

This Is Me
This worksheet is our take on an “All About Me” page with a self-esteem lens. Students can write or draw something they’re already good at, something other people like about them, something most people don’t know about them, and more.
My Self-Portrait
Invite students to look at themselves in the mirror and then draw and color a self-portrait in the frame provided. They’ll also list five positive things about themselves (they don’t have to be physical, but they can be!).

My Strengths
In each circle, students will write one of their biggest personal strengths (kindness, leadership, creativity, etc.). On the line below, they’ll write something that they are able to do because of that particular strength.
My Positive Affirmations
Lots of people love and care about me. Today is a fresh start. I am wonderful just the way I am. These are just a few examples of positive affirmations that students can write on this page.

My Compliment Jar
Students will fill the jar with compliments to themselves, like “I help others when they need it” and “I have a great sense of humor.”
Positive Self-Talk
Encourage students to take the sentences in the negative column and turn them into something positive. Then, they can list some of their own negative thoughts and come up with a positive reframe.

Loving Myself
Have students use the hearts to brainstorm ways they can show love for themselves.
Self-Esteem Checkup
This is a great tool for you as the teacher. We recommend you have students do a self-assessment before and after your self-esteem work in class.

Building Self-Esteem Habit Tracker
Practice makes perfect, and self-esteem is no exception! This habit tracker is good for a month. Students will check or color the box for every self-esteem-building habit they practice each day. There are also spaces to add their own at the bottom.
My Daily Self-Esteem Journal
You’ll want lots of copies of this one! Students answer daily prompts like “Something good that happened to me today was …” and “Today I felt proud when …”