20 Student Loan Memes That Are Hilarious Yet Tragic

Educators across the country are still riddled with student debt. These student loan memes are just as hilarious as they are tragic.

Student loan memes feature image

Fresh undergrads aren’t the only people with outstanding student loan debts. Many educators who are already earning their paychecks teaching in a classroom are still paying off their debts from their own degrees. In fact, 60% of educators have student loan debt! While it’s a tragic fact, sometimes it’s just easier to laugh through the pain. These 20 student loan memes will hopefully distract you from your next payment deadline!

1. Announcing post-grad plans …

Michael Scott from The Office saying I declare bankruptcy! - student loan memes

Michael Scott from the Office said it best. Might as well go out loud and proud.

Source: Juno

2. That’s the dream.

Tweet about woman hit by car getting her student loans forgiven

Why didn’t I think of that?!?!

Source: Cheezburger.com

3. They always find you.

Comic of man stranded on island and message in a bottle coming to shore with words We've been trying to reach you about your student loans

You thought you could just go to any old deserted island to get away from your student loan payment? Think again.

Source: Memezila.com

4. Thank you.

Leonardo Dicaprio and the words Thank you, student loans, for helping me get through college. I don't think I can ever repay you.- student loan memes

A toast to the one thing that can never be repaid.

Source: Smarts.co

5. “Easy” solution!

Comic of a teacher pointing at a student with the words The student debt crisis solved: 1. You took out a loan. 2. Pay it back.

It’s common knowledge, right?! Just pay it back. What, like it’s hard?

Source: Juno

6. Sorry!

Tweet of the words Please forgive my student loans, they're very sorry and they won't do it again- student loan memes

If only it were this easy.

Source: Juno

7. Relatable.

Man crying and the words When I see my student loan debt

When you look at the payment, it becomes real. Life hack: Just don’t look.

Source: Meme Generator

8. Living rent-free …

Words when you loving life but your student loans are always in the back of your head and Beyonce laughing and then dead-panned

Easy, foolproof way to turn a fun and social moment into a depressing one. Just ponder your outstanding student debt payments!

Source: Thefunnybeaver.com

9. Easy question …

Q: if you won a million dollars, what would you do? Me: Pay off my student loans... and with the remaining 10 maybe get some Chipotle.

Are you sure you can even get that Chipotle? Every cent is going to need to go to that student loan.

Source: Pinterest

10. Snitches get stitches.

Man pointing and the words Me: I don't snitch. Cops: We'll pay off your student loans. Me: - student loan memes

All morals go out the window the second student loans are on the table.

Source: Pinterest

11. Oh, the places you’d go.

Words Oh, the Places You'd Go! If you weren't riddled with student loan debt! In Dr. Seuss style

In my opinion, the most depressing Dr. Seuss book.

Source: Pinterest

12. Baby steps …

Man throwing a bucket of water into a large fire and the words Making the first payment on my student loans... That should do the trick - student loan memes

At least he’s trying his best.

Source: Thefunnybeaver.com

13. Best rapper name …

Tweet with words Young Student Loan Debt

Hey, it’s got a ring to it!

Source: Pinterest

14. If student loans were a person …

Comic with woman holding a balloon that says Goals and a man with shirt saying Loans walking by and popping it

It’s like taking candy from a baby. Pure evil.

Source: Pinterest

15. Easy way out …

Tweet of Squidward with his eyes closed- student loan memes

Sounds like a great, peaceful night of sleep to me.

Source: Buzzfeed

16. Up to imagination …

Mr. Krabs with people made of money and the words How I imagine my college spends my tuition money

Seriously, what else are they doing with it?!

Source: Buzzfeed

17. Boo!

Woman holding pumpkin with words Student Loans and text saying Now that's a scary pumpkin!

Made me jump! Try this out next Halloween and everyone will stay faaaaar away.

Source: Pinterest

18. Loophole …

Door leading to a cliff and words Everyone: Student loans will open so many doors for you! The door:

They forgot to mention the super-manageable 15 feet between the ground and the door. Don’t worry, you’ll get there eventually. Just keep climbing.

Source: Dumpaday.com

19. Best cap.

Graduation cap with words Game of Loans, Interest is coming

Going out in style is funny but unfortunately doesn’t deduct any money away from the debt.

Source: Thefunnybeaver.com

20. Sallie Mae Ramen …

Ramen package with label reading Salliemae Poverty flavor- student loan memes

People across the country will be eating this yummy ramen flavor for years and years … and years … and years.

Source: Thefunnybeaver.com

Did you enjoy these student loan memes? Did you laugh … or cry? Check out our 15 Memes About Teacher Pay so you can continue laughing through the pain.

Also, share your favorite tragic memes in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group!

Educators across the country are still riddled with student debt. These student loan memes are just as hilarious as they are tragic.