8 Professional Development Books We’re Reading Right Now

Picks from our WeAreTeachers Advisory Board.

Teachers' favorite professional development books.

We asked our amazing WeAreTeachers Advisory Board what professional development books for teachers were inspiring them lately. Here’s what they shared around critical current issues in education we should all learn more about:

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1. Grading for Equity by Joe Feldman

Professional Development Book Cover for "Grading for Equity" by Joe Ferguson

Fred Dillon recommends this book on the importance of equitable assessment. The author explores our nation’s history of inconsistent grading practices and the negative impacts this has had on student achievement. Most importantly, he provides great ideas on how we can improve our grading moving forward.

2. Start Here, Start Now by Liz Kleinrock

Professional Development Book Cover for "Start Here Start Now" by Liz Kleinrock

Towanda Harris is reading this book, written for educators who want to “cultivate an antibias and antiracist classroom and school community.” Kleinrock provides a solid framework for any teacher wondering how to get started.

3. Shifting the Balance by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates

Professional development book cover for "Shifting the Balance" by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates

Advisory Board member C.C. Bates recommends this practical guide through the decision-making process of reading instruction. The authors are experts but make the latest science about reading easy to understand.

4. Simplify Work by Jesse W. Newton

Book cover for "Simplify Work" by Jesse W. Newton

Julie Stern offers this great choice for administrators, coaches, and other professionals in the world of education who are trying to cut through the unnecessary structures and systems that might be making teachers feel unheard and frustrated.

5. Teaching Critical Thinking by bell hooks

Professional development book cover for "Teaching Critical Thinking" by bell hooks

Kayisha Edwards recommends this collection of short essays about some of the most controversial subjects surrounding education today. Race, gender, and class and their impact on our students and our teaching are all addressed in bell hooks’ thought-provoking book.

6. Tripod’s 7C’s Framework of Effective Teaching

Tripod's 7Cs Framework of Effective Teaching

Anthony Kim recommends this “practical guide for improving teaching and learning.” You have to sign up for free to access the download, but the information you receive makes it totally worth it. The framework is the perfect refresher read for teachers providing a fresh, new take on creating an environment where students can reach their full potential.

7. The Transgender Teen by Stephanie Brill and Lisa Kenney

Book cover for "The Transgender Teen" by Stephanie A. Brill and Lisa Kenney

For those of us who are learning how to best teach teenagers who may be transgender, gender-variant, or gender-fluid, Advisory Board member Patty McGee recommends this follow-up to “The Transgender Child.”

8. Street Data by Shane Safir and Jamil Dugan

Professional development book cover for "Street Data" by Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan

Paul France recommends this book that encourages educators and administrators to change the way they use data. Instead of focusing on standardized test scores, the writers provide a framework for using data in a more meaningful way, helping all students can feel engaged and supported.

For more books to help you improve your teaching, check out 13 Teacher PD Books That Stand the Test of Time.

8 Professional Development Books We're Reading Right Now