Two Sentence Tales of Terror for Teachers

When you’re a teacher and you’ve faced down both budget cuts and the kid who refused to stay in his[…]Continue Reading

When you’re a teacher and you’ve faced down both budget cuts and the kid who refused to stay in his seat, it takes more than a little campfire scary story to give you chills.

  1. It was a dark and stormy day. Time to chaperone the trip to the pumpkin patch.
  2. She slid the shoe box across the desk to her biology teacher. “It’s alive,” she whispered.
  3. Shadows from the lamplight stole across her desk at midnight. There were still 23 essays to grade before tomorrow.

    Real Teacher Horror Stories

  4. Lightning struck and briefly brightened the darkened classroom. The power outage meant two dozen restless students and no way to keep them occupied.
  5. Fog rolled across the school parking lot. It was the kind of weather that carpool duty nightmares are made of.
  6. Rage flashed across his contorted face, frightening her to the bone. “What do you mean we have to read the entire book?!”
  7. Everyone said it was haunted and he should stay out. Still, if the old storage closet had colored copy paper, he was willing to risk it.

    Real Teacher Horror Stories

  8. Ghosts of parent volunteers who never showed up haunted the room. The class Halloween party was a turning into a nightmare.
  9. She couldn’t stop scratching at unseen parasites. Lice in the classroom!

    Real Teacher Horror Stories

  10. A blood-curdling peal rang out, sending chills down her spine! They were having a fire drill in the dead of winter.
  11. Hair stood high on their heads, as wild and unruly as they were. Picture day was upon them.  

Nicole Leigh Shaw is a humorist, mom and creator of typos. Follow her on her blog, She also writes for NickMom and